Testimonials 5

Student Testimonials

November 9, 2006
Dear Dave,
Nice visiting IITR again and here is the update you requested when I visited and you are welcome to put it on your website.

I graduated from IITR in 1995 and since then I have gone on to live one of my dreams. As a music lover and a travel nut, I have been for the last 10 years now, a driver for concert tours. Some of the names I have toured With are:
Tina Turner
Rod Stewart
Green Day
Paul McCartney
Sammy Hagar
and The Rolling Stones.
This is just to name a few.

Most of them are very nice people and at the end of the tour there is always a party and we get to finally relax with them with dinner and drinks.

My job (if you want to call it that) is to transport stage equipment to each show for as long as the North American leg of the tour is out.

I supervise the loading of my truck and secure the load to insure that it is done properly. My average load value is around $4,000,000. Needless to say I take great care in my driving. The saying "the show must go on" is what I live with every day. If your truck breaks down, you fix it or re-power the load as fast as you can. If your load doesn't make it you just cost a couple million dollars to the company, plus made a lot of fans angry. If something does go wrong we are in touch with production so there are no surprises.

It can be high stress at times, and we do have to run hard sometimes but it's a part of the job.

After 10 Years I am working on a new adventure, and if all goes well, I will be working for Nascar in 2007. So all of you who read this just remember to be safe on the road, and follow your dreams.

You never know what may happen in your new career, and IITR is a great start. If it wasn't for IITR I wouldn't be where I'm at Today.

Sincerely Jeff Clark
Upstaging Lighting and Transportation Inc.
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January 26, 2007

Hi Don,

I'm writing to thank you and Rosie for your assistance to Dustin and me. We are expecting to graduate from the Albany campus today.

Our experience at IITR has been entirely positive and constructive.

I am so glad that my son and I have had the privilege and benefits of being taught by Mr. McDowell at the Albany campus. Harold is a venerable, dedicated, conscientious, patient, affable, sincere, highly talented driving instructor.

These qualities, together with other distinguished attributes, such as his firm, confident teaching style, millions of miles of OTR experience, and his conspicuous respect for the IITR equipment, qualify Harold as a preeminent truck driving instructor.

Please thank Mr. McDowell for working so hard to bring us far toward becoming safe, skilled, courteous, responsible, professional operators.

I know that I also speak for Dustin when I say that ours have been genuine pleasures and invaluable experiences at IITR.

IITR is a credit to the truck driving industry.

Harold Ford
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March 7, 2008

Hello: Mr. Dave Riggins
In a very short note I wanted to tell you about my experience at IITR Medford Campus.

Before enrolling in the program I had so many questions and doubts. This is a completely different industry from anything that I ever known in my life, but, Don Edwards helped me by answering all the questions and taking the time to explain everything in great detail. Everything he told me was the truth and all accurate information.

Once enrolled in the program I wanted to take full advantage and learn as much as I could for the duration of the class. The classroom lessons were very informative, and explained in simple terms by our instructor Bud Williams.

Bud used his lifetime experiences in the trucking industry and classroom humor to answer all of our questions and keep all subjects interesting. He explained information using scenarios and examples to help us retain the information.

During the Yard Work week I was able to get plenty of operating time, practice backing, pretrip inspections and couple-uncouple. By the end of the week I felt very confident about these new skills. I have to admit the driving period was a bit challenging at first, (actually it was like hitting a brick wall) it was a learning curve for sure. I remember Bud telling us "don't worry it gets easier". In the last week I couldn't believe how good I was at double shifting.

On the day of the State Exam I was very confident. I knew I would pass with a high score and I did. The week after graduation Kathy Williams was able to get me a job with one of the best trucking companies. I'm very thankful to IITR and all of the staff that helped me get into this new career.

They are true professionals.

Richard Lara
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